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Basic Profile
Age: 27
Birthday: November 24
Sign: Sagittarius
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: Straight
Country: United Kingdom
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 6 ft 2 in / 189-190 cm
Bra Size:
Favorite Position: Doggie Style
Eye Color: Blue eyes
Hair Color: Brown Hair
Smoker: By Request
Languages: English
About zunkies
Most of my friends would say I have a easy-going and shy personality.

Some of my favorite places to go to are Cinema , The beach , Shopping , going out with friends and going to the gym to keep up my fitness.
I most enjoy computing and going to night club.

One of the more interesting things I've done in my life is save a life and beening myseft.

I like my partners to tell me you what to do and follow my lead in the bedroom , living room and bathroom as in sexual.

In the bedroom, I tend to like traditional, one on one, experimental sex. Some of my favorite positions are doogy style , sideway , stand wall , rabbit positions.

My philosophy on is if u cant run walk if u cant walk craw if u cant craw get someone to carry you.
If you really want to get my juices flowing, all you have to do is moan and moan until you explode.

I love it when a woman starts to make a good experiment movement.

My all-time favorite fantasy involves
The young woman looked up from her work with a start, almost dropping the dough she was kneading. A shiver of apprehension combined with an unidentifiable thrill, and her heart instantly beat faster. She glanced at the large housemistress and dusted off her hands, aware of the all-too-apparent displeasure in the woman's eyes.

"The master calls."

Not waiting for the grum**** acquiescence, she hurried to obey the man's shout, rolling her eyes when he again yelled, "Slave!" If he knew what he was dealing with, perhaps he'd be a little less impatient, she thought.

It was the third time this week. She wasn't sure whether to be anxious or joyful about his increasing interest. Things were progressing perfectly, yet her life balanced precariously enough already. As it stood, her existence was worth little, her scrawny frame fed only to ensure constant work. At least this way she could become a value-added commodity. She smirked to herself, admitting she enjoyed some aspects of her labour.

She found him in the far wing, reclining naked on the massive bed eating peaches. Adjusting her thin garment, she bowed low, aware of his hungry gaze on her body, then stood silently, already knowing what his command would be.

"Pull the curtain," he ordered, and she did so. He waited with a languid smile, self assured and relaxed, while she secured the space. The wife was not a forgiving person.

She approached the bed and he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge and pulling her between them, watching her pretty face with its eyes traditionally downcast. Gently he nudged her chin, made her look at him, and she again cursed his attractiveness. His jaw was slashed with scars from the wars, yet they only highlighted the swift lines of his cheekbones and the fawn-like quality of his pale blue eyes. If only he didn't resemble Pan so! Then I could despise him as I should.

Still holding her gaze, he reached back and brought around the peach, holding it up for her to taste. At first she refused, despising her position as the kept animal, but the tangy smell of the bitten fruit broke her determination. She received so little true food, it would be a tragedy to deny it when freely offered. Slowly she bent her head, biting the crisp flesh with ill contained fervour. The sweetness thrummed in her mouth, and the sticky juice drib**** down her chin, dripping lazily onto her chest and staining the cloth. He watched her eat, and she could sense his enjoyment, wondering if it came of his victory, or from the simple act of generosity. She could never tell; he was a hybrid of kindness and cruelty.

He was kissing her before she was ready, tasting the fruit around her mouth eagerly. She met his lips with a subtle hesitation, wanting him to think she wasn't such an easy prize, although it was a foregone conclusion. In reality, she had no choice, submitting to his roving hands with a mixture of obedience and desire, letting her robe fall to reveal her taut flesh.

Again she was surprised by his tenderness, the way he took time to massage each nipple as though he were caressing the finest jewels in the empire, rubbing peach juice across her breasts and leaving finger streaks like strong letters across the canvas of her body. She knew he revelled in the slimness of her shape, and the smooth roundness of her bosom, each filling his hand like overripe fruit. He thought they'd been made specifically for him.

Standing and holding her hips, her steered her around and sat her on the bed. Uncertain of his intent, she was astonished when he knelt before her, between her knees, and began to nuzzle her belly. He'd never assumed such a submissive position before, and a smile crept unseen to her reddened lips. When he pushed her onto her back she had to stifle a giggle, at the same time feeling deeply aroused by the way he langouriously spread her legs and peered at the treasure within, gently prodding her clitoris with the tip of his thumb. She smothered a cry of triumph in a moan as he plunged his tongue between her lips, seeking the source of moisture while conversing lightly with her swelling bud. It was a sensation she'd experienced only once before, though the ranks of lovers and rapists were many, and her heart glowed with a rogue gratitude, just as her mind revelled and her nerves strained with pleasure.

Her orgasm brought a scream to her lips, aborted by a strong hand across her mouth. Though she was silent, he kept it there for several moments, and she smelled sweat over the scent of rosewater. His expression was a paradox of tenderness and fury; he too understood the sacrifice made. With sudden force he took hold of her wrists, binding them with strips of soft leather obtained from under a pillow, and rolled her onto her stomach. Now her naked buttocks were raised high, and she knew he took great pleasure in strapping them with his leather whip, kept by the bedside for just such an occasion. She cried out in pain, angered that he should turn such a moment into another beating, yet certain the punishment would not last long; his arousal was too great.

I like it hard , slow , fast and sensual.
Rude poeple
Kinky Attributes
Blindfolds, Masturbation
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